Bloomy Breeze Prosciutto Cups Topped with Kimchee Girl Napa Cabbage Kimchee.

Kimchee Girl Bloomy Breeze Prosciutto Cups

Pre-heat oven to 400°

Lightly spray muffin tins with cooking spray. Each muffin tin will get two strips of prosciutto. Place prosciutto inside tins to form cups and overlap. Next slice Bloomy Breeze cheese inside cup. Next crack an egg. Each cup will get a single cracked egg.

Place fills tin inside pre-heated oven. Bak @400° for 10-12 minutes. You can adjust cooking time depending on how dippy or non-dippy you want your egg.

Next, carefully take a spoon or rubber spatula and take out prosciutto cups from the tin. Top with Kimchee Girl Napa cabbage kimchee and enjoy!

Kimchee Girl Bloomy Breeze Prosciutto Cup

Buy Napa Cabbage Kimchee


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